Bear Familys latest edition of Seasons Greetings for 2020! Nostalgic Christmas with 14 Lindy Hop-Jitterbug-Boogie-Jive and Easy Listening rarities of the years 1947-1962! Among them the title song Christmas Ball, as well as the B-side of the rare 1951 Coral single of the Georgie Auld Orchestra with the great singer Bill Darnel! Knuckles OToole & The Brigadiers version of Jingle Bells is also included, as well as New Years goose bumps classic Auld Lang Syne in the worn version by Guy Lombardo, and the famous version of the classic Sleigh Ride in the interpretation of orchestra leader Leroy Anderson, also known from the movie Polar Express! Besides The Andrews Sisters there are more ladies with their great voices, above all the stunning Dinah Washington, the crooner lady Dorothy Collins and last but not least Kay Martin, who makes it quite slippery and erotic. Joined by Jerry Lewis, a comedian and movie star from Hollywoods golden era, with a really rare recording! Also available as CD (BCD17611) - with bonus tracks! With this compilation we want to give more exuberance to the celebration of love, even if some songs are nostalgic and dreamy and you might even feel taken back to your own childhood. This Christmas disc invites you to the Christmas ball, to dancing, to swinging, to contemplation and exuberance among family members, friends, like-minded people and guests. This music brings glamour into every hut, with all the candles, lights and crackling stoves, while its snowing and stormy outsideこちらの商品は輸入盤のため、稀にジャケットに多少のスレや角にシワがある場合がございます。
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